Sensualizing Your Bedroom

Subconsciously, I’ve been styling, fluffing and re-styling my boudoir these past few days.  I would say it’s not related to “V” day but maybe I’m fooling myself.  I’ve never been one to make a fuss over Valentine’s Day.  I don’t run around gift shopping, dress shopping, or the likes. Never have.  No, just a heartfelt card and  sharing a quiet moment chatting over a glass of wine does it for me…whether V-day or any other day. 

However, in spite of my casual attitude, I can’t help but to notice the hype from the ads, to the blogs, in the stores and more…this is the designated week for love.  In the midst of it all, my mind starts to go…quiet time, in the bedroom, mood setting, sensual décor-ing, designer flowing….and, yep, I’m now in full Taj gear. :-)

Of all the rooms in your home, the one room that should be sensualized year-round is hands down your bedroom. And, it doesn’t matter whether you're single or coupled-up, this is THE room that should serve to relax and release the senses (solo or not).  With that said - tossing the cliché rose petals aside - how can one go about simply sensualizing your bedroom once and for all. 

 Here are my go-to sensual elements: 

Lighting plays a huge role in setting the mood in any space.  Odds are you already have general lighting that illuminates the entire room.  However, the mood-lighting could easily be set either on the corners of the bed with wall sconces or even lamps on the nightstands placed on dimmer switches.  Once you have dimmers, you can go anywhere from a bright reading level to a much softer and sexier glow when needed. {Sidebar: if all else fails, we all know the flickering of candle lights are always sexy ;-)}

      • BED LINEN:

      This can be debatable for some but, in my humble opinion, the sexiest bed linens are ALL white…and layers of them!  Styling your bed in seductive, soft and supple white linens makes you wanna just submerge yourself in this cloud of soothing goodness AND it serves as a sexy platform that is more than inviting…it’s tantalizing!

        • ARTWORK:

        So, if you have a slight indication of what I like, you know I’m a serious art-lover.  The vibe of a space is only enhanced and not complete until you include artwork.  Be deliberate {and thoughtful} about what type of art you choose for your bedroom.  Art is subjective, so take your time and choose the piece(s) that make you feel something.  Trust me, this matters! Oh, and don't forget mirrors ;-)

        • MUSIC:

        Well, well, well! Do I really need to elaborate?!  I have my absolute fave playlist honed over time on demand on Pandora.  Thankfully, it happens to be The Hubs as well so we simply lay back and chil.

        There you have it!  Let’s not make this V-day the only time you style your intimate space into a fabulous escape for a memorable night.  Your bedroom can vibe like that every night.  And, if you can’t seem to get it just how you want it.  Call me, that’s actually what I’m here for! ;-)

        ~ With Love, All Things Taj

        1 comment

        Carl Bey

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