Fashion Revolution Day

If you were on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook today, it was hard to not know today was designated Fashion Revolution Day in recognition of the first anniversary of the collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh.  I intended to share my own thoughts and review on what's taken place (or not) over the past year but have decided against it.  To be honest, I have read so many on point articles throughout the media over the past 24 hours that I didn't want to regurgitate what is already being said.  However, I do want to share something educational and, quite frankily, very powerful.

The Guardian (HUGE fan here) published a piece I enjoyed the most entitled "The Shirt on Your Back".  It's a slide show with small 1-2 minute videos...took me maybe 15 minutes to go through and well worth every second.  If you love fashion, understand it because it runs much deeper than the glamorous runways.  Knowledge is truly everything, my friends.

the shirt on your back - the guardian apr 2014

For specific updates on Rana Plaza, please visit the World News section of The Guardian's website.  Happy Reading! :)

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