Time Granted

moment to memory

This past week has been tough for my family as we have unexpectedly lost a loved one.  Such an event seems to always make me think not only about the fragility of life, but also our limited time.  Seems like we’re all guilty of it…taking precious time for granted.  And, even though none of us know how much time we supposedly have, we allow the busy-ness of life to be consuming and go days, weeks, months without making time for those we love and love us.

I recently read the poem below by Robert Service on the idea of treating each day as if it were a life…for me, in essence, respecting that time.  I wondered, what if this morning I was born anew and tonight would be my last?  Who would I see or call? What would I say? What would I try to do?

I realize these types of reflective vibes do tend to come around more often in times of a loss but I still can’t help but contemplate the words I share with you below:


Each Day A Life - Robert Service
I count each day a little life,
With birth and death complete;
I cloister it from care and strife
And keep it sane and sweet.
With eager eyes I greet the morn
Exultant as a boy,
Knowing that I am newly born
To wonder and to joy.
And when the sunset splendours wane
And ripe for rest am I,
Knowing that I will live again,
Exultantly I die.
O that all Life were but a Day
Sunny and sweet and sane!
And that at Even I might say:
"I sleep to wake again."


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